Within the Systematic Theory of Success there are a number of factors, grouped together there are potential, kinetic, control and physical kinds. This is a complete list and explanation of the kinetic factors.
Energy is based purely on actual physical world properties and is the energy available to a person to be able to do anything. If a person is unhealthy then physically, within their body there is less available energy to act, to move, to even be able to think. A total lack of energy is of course, death, and this is final, unless of course there is more to be discovered in this area. The importance of health is vital to performing at peak efficiency and should never be neglected. This energy may exist within a person and not used for the purpose it was intended, quite literally a waste of energy, or the person may not be consciously aware of the amount of energy available to them. There are many stories told of the incredible amount of energy available to a person under critical conditions that they were totally unaware of. It is likely that this energy is roughly the same from person to person if health is not a problem, and that whatever energy is displayed one individual is available to all of the others. Energy here is the capacity of the person to achieve.
Power depends upon the rate of energy being generated within an individual. The more motivated a person is the more power is available to them. A person who is full of drive, who is hungry to achieve the purpose they desire will have a tremendous amount of power that will more efficiently use the amount of energy available to them over time. The proper use of the controlling factors will make this energy more readily accessible to a person and seems to get more efficient the more it is used. A person using positive association and enjoying what they are doing will have more power than the person who is bored or disinterested.
Momentum is a factor that will improve the amount that a person is capable of achieving. If a person is distracted, unfocused then the power available to them fluctuates and obviously they do less towards their chosen purpose. The more constant this momentum is the less energy it takes to start it again, the quicker a person will get back to the level of power that is available to them. It can be visualised by thinking of pushing a large physical object like pushing a small car, you will be putting more energy into starting it than if it was already moving. What corresponds to friction here is the change of direction an individual is undergoing. Any change in momentum will take time to take effect, for example a person who has sustained a negative association for some time will find it more difficult to change it to a good one.