This is a game I thought might be interesting to kick off. I have put up a video showing how I found 5 Challenge compliant microniches within 8 minutes 42 seconds using Market Samurai. Now I know it can be beaten but I would love to see how anyone can do it. Can you?
For anyone who doesn’t know what the Challenge is but knows what I am talking then please go to The Challenge right now!!! This may be life changing news for you and you should leave my blog immediately to get in.
I had installed a cooker hood today and used that as inspiration, but I am pretty confident that once you get into the swing of things that you can find good traffic, low competition microniches very quickly in Market Samurai.
I recorded my video and put it up as a friendly challenge to anyone else who thinks they can beat that time. It would be interesting to see and of course useful to those who struggle with this essential step.
Here we go – here’s mine. Reply to it with your video if you can beat me?