The Challenge 2010 Pre-Challenge Day 1

First task – sign up to Ustream, a very, very easy start, however this happened just as Ustream seemed to have CAPTCHA problems. A few got caught up in the problems but it was easily sorted in the forums. For me when I pressed Follow my machine died!! Lacking any explanation – I blame Google! :). Anyway onwards with my notes from the first day of the rest of my life…

Veterans Want To Get Going!!!

For any veterans of the 30 Day Challenge though it became clear that the inexperienced people needed to be taken care of first. Probably a bit frustrating for some but there is a lot of wonderful stuff existing in the Challenge Ustream already. For last year’s effort I did make some notes of ones that interested me in Preseason 30 Day Challenge Notes Part 1 – I am not sure if the links are still working from that page but the videos can easily be found, dig around the UStream.

I am finally using my Electronic Post-Its!

I am a day late with my blog post for talking about each of the modules but I mean to continue doing this. I have finally convinced. forced, sellotaped myself even, to a method that I find really useful. You see, I am in the Challenge – but I don’t use a Mac – Don’t tell Ed right! I tend to use things like Windows and Microsoft Office! One that is extremely useful to me is OneNote. As I jump from distraction to distraction I note everything I find interesting and then go back later to either write on it, act on it or just file it away for later. This is how I am writing this blog now. I see all the little bits of notes and pick out the interesting ones and put them here. Does it work?? It does for me – it is certainly not a groundshaking idea but once I made myself get into the routine then I find I am loads more productive 🙂 Plus it suits my jumping from subject to subject way of life. I only wish I could have the augmented reality version of this method and as I go about my business grab only the interesting bits and put them away in my virtual OneNote.

Hang on – Isn’t that what nature calls memory. Maybe I am concentrating on the wrong software…

Anyhow, I am wandering again…

More Diarist Entrepreneurs to the Blog Journals

Found several more blog journals, for those following the Challenge and added them to The Challenge 2010 Blog Journal List #tc10.

These guys might need some following or commenting support, I will pop in and see if I can add to their ponderations – if they’re unlucky 🙂

He’s Actually Talking to Me!

From the forums Dean Richards made an interesting observation while watching the first Pre-Season module based on watching Ed communicate ‘personally’ with the audience – He also blogged this in his journal.

It’s taking over everything in its path!!!

Gary asked the question How to stop The Challenge taking over your life (or should it??). Mostly answered by Caro, but some interesting responses to how people expect to amange their time and efforts doing the Challenge.

Complex changing Twitter Connections

A popular subject is to do with connecting with Twitter by Rheinard Korf, who created a useful list of member twitter usernames at However, evolution takes place and a TweepML list was created at, then it became To add to all that effort another line of evolution has spawned, there is a #TC10 Twub. Take your pick 🙂

Selfish Twitteriety

Personally I am careful of who I follow on Twitter, which means I will not get the usual number of follow backs but I can keep an eye on what I want a lot easier. Treating like a radio station, I will freely add or remove anyone from my list as it suits my needs. It doesn’t really matter because I can always keep up with anyone anyway, but only when I am focused on what they are doing. Of course a few friends and ‘of constant’ interest ones always remain there. A perfectly selfish way of using Twitter. The only downside is not easily building up a following and I used to get really concerned seeing my follows fade away over time and poke it now and again with different posts to see what the reaction would be, but I try not to concern myself at the moment. I realise I must either make some fantasticly interesting tweets or become a celebrity, or possibly create a ‘listening only account’. Maybe I’ll find out how to use this better from the Challenge team.

That’s it for now, the next days module is going to be available in the next minute 🙂

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