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Monthly Archives: January 2011
The PIRATES process for Internet Marketing
Looking deeper into the area of Internet marketing I have temporarily come up with an anacronym that allows me to look at the whole process a bit deeper – PIRATES Continue reading
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The Waterfall Project Lifecycle and its Part in my Downfall
Just remembering about waterfalls and how much I hate them. Not the wonderful scenic ones that exist around the world and more interestingly around the universe, but the ones that were created to handle large projects…
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All Roads Lead To Rome
How to accomplish the long term goal you have set yourself…
This article was going to be about how most methods used on the Internet can help you achieve success if you follow a few guiding principles, but in the writing it became more generic and abstract. Rome became not just about making a million on the Internet but really any far off goal you have set your mind on. Continue reading