Today in the 30 Day Challenge some unusual web entities to post to, probably showing signs of how content will be submitted in the future…
First an appropriate YouTube music Video 🙂 “Clubbed To Death” – Rob Dougan – Which has a ‘The Matrix’ connection… right let’s see deep the rabbit hole goes…
These entities as I called them were Squidoo and Hubpages, the former whose logo always reminds me of The Matrix. Adding content to these sites was quite time consuming actually because of the many modules they offer. The advantage of course is that you can go back in any time and update them – unlike Article Directories, whose content is fixed to the day you publish with them. This gives these sites an advantage, especially in a subject where the information is changing, the author can simply go back in and update them, making fresh and accurate content. Not as controlled as a Wiki, whose function allows you to see what has changed, when and by who but I guess sometime soon a hybrid of these will appear. Imagine a Wiki with self contained modules allowing the authors an efficient way of displaying up to the second content.
My only difficulty really was because I was media challenged – sources of photos and images may not be easy to find for the narrow niche and then you have to check the rights on them. I found myself skirting close to dangerous on trying to select images for these page. I realise this is a whole task in itself and happens sometime after you have decided the keywords are correct and good enough to move forward with. Gathering up loads of images will make producing prettier web site pages a whole lot quicker.
Maybe this is something that I should consider on this blog – it is looking a bit too busy and uninviting with all the wall of text around.
Another thing I will definitely do in the future is have a comprehensive set of keywords around, ensuring that the relevant tags for any of the articles are entered. Important both for submitting content and bookmarks.
I am happy to say – with writing articles – after all these exercises, writing is getting easier and easier. The first article I did in this niche took me – wait for it – 14 Hours!!! I keep saying I’ll write up my experiences on this… However today in 30 minutes I managed to produce a 743 word article 🙂 🙂 Then spent 90 minutes looking for images 🙁
The work is paying off though…