- RT @tonyrobbins: U are now at a crossroads… opportunity 2 make most important decision you’ll ever make. who are U now? Who will u become? #
- The Universe is expanding at an increasing rate – or is the energy from time creating more dark matter and slowing down #
- Make a time machine appear instantly…requires absolute decision 2 dedicate your life to building it & the rule it 2 be sent to that moment #
- @ScubaScorpion Haha thanks – I see another Cheltenham lad – I will duly follow – What are you starting out in/with? in reply to ScubaScorpion #
- @ScubaScorpion New start? Painful at the start – Refreshing as you go forward 🙂 Plan? I can recommend the #30DC for excellent backgrounding in reply to ScubaScorpion #
- Spent almost 3 days on an article! And it isn’t even that good!! Effort to Effect too high-too easy to get wrapped up in unimportant things #
- I am getting REALLY sick of so called Internet guru’s preying on the desperate and the unfortunate – Your days are numbered guys!!! #
- Love Domain Samurai !!! #30DC 🙂 #
- 0.07 microfortnights or 0.13e+43 Planck Times – Is this usefulness from Google search times down to April Fools Day? Well it’s after 12 here #
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