I have been stuck in here a while, trying to find my way. I must admit I get a little lost at times and when I think I have a clue of the contents of the room it all just seems to change… Here is what I see here…
It is a rather big room, though I can see the walls in places, but I can never see the whole lot at once. This is frustrating, not knowing at least where in the room I am.
It is very very untidy! Though there are a few bits here and there that seem to have some order and they look really good, I must admit. Obviously, a number of people have been in here in the past and tidied up those bits and i appreciate them so much.
There are others here, creating quite a lot of noise at the moment, some trying to change it all around. There are quite a lot of arguments going on now, increasing in intensity and speed, but optimistically I think that is great – it will be really comforting to see things get sorted out one way or another.
I am aware of the incredible number of safes around the place, unfortunately, it seems that the combinations of a few have been forgotten entirely. Â I don’t know if they will remain guarded, someone will crack them or they simply disappear in the end?
The walls I notice are very thin, and it is always exciting to wonder what is beyond them. They seem to be moving with increasing regularity nowadays, though at times I feel not always to make the room bigger.
There are a few, both open and hidden, places that are guarded by some very nasty, what can I call them, animals? Other somewhat hidden places, seem to be blocked, by goodness knows what!
I am afraid the air hasn’t cleared much since coming in. Lot’s of it are shrouded in mist from what I can tell, and it is definitely hard to see what is there, though I do spend too much time staring at those that look interesting.
The furniture, though I feel should be reliable and a place to rest on, knowing that they will not fail you, do change and some are completely baffling. Mainly because if you change your position they often appear to change completely from their original purpose.
Oh – and the rubbish has piled up in places, increasingly so lately. Scattered here and there, quite obviously needing a good clean out, but I think others feel the same as me, they are too tedious and time consuming to even consider it.
Just to add a bit of excitement, there are some really dark places too. Most intriguing, that you can only make out if you get really really close and shine a light on them. There is a temptation to get lost in those places and I keep promising that I will go there later when I have more time.
For now, there are lots of interesting things that take my attention, always finding new bits, some seemingly obvious once you discover them though most of it doesn’t seem to have a name, to be honest.
i don’t know if I will escape the room at some time, whether the effort to work it out is really all worth it in the end, but for the moment I am here. If I meet you, show me any interesting bits that you have discovered.