The ethics of article spinning has been in question since it was invented. My first entry into spinning content on the web was when ArticleBot appeared, but I never really took to using it. It had some features that were useful, in making any content you created turn into plenty of original looking ones but only by changing sentences, phrases or words. As ArticleBot fell out of favour because of the stupidity of articles being plagiarised and spun and the quality of many of the results it disappeared. I did take my old ArticleBot projects and got my QKSite utility to carry on spinning them but never continued in this world to use the method.
But now I’m back…
I see loads of Internet marketers spinning articles and loads of them being sold. Google obviously didn’t care much for duplicate content in the SERPs but didn’t seem to make any attempt to stop it.
So, I am going to come back and start it all up again and work towards what I really wanted in the first place. QKSite was an ideal utility (don’t bother with it right now the technology needs updating) for doing loads of these jobs and will be pulled out again to do some work – I need it. It was essentially a quick site creator, back in the old days when you started with a list of keywords and pressed a button to create a site. This doesn’t work any more, but it used to do it fast and easy. Well, for me it was – I remember it being a bit of a technical nightmare for those who wanted it to do special jobs and couldn’t work out how to add them. The problem with this of course was only I had the skills to keep adding bits to it. So instead of working on my own sites I was spending too much time adding this functionality that I would never use. In the end when I gave up on IM I also let QKSite gather dust.
However, now this thing is essential. We seem to need to tackle loads of different SEO related tasks on other web properties just to get seen. Of course, if you don’t get seen, you’re gone.
Now as I am working through all this I want a utility that will spin an article. I cannot afford any of them out there and I know I will want to add things to it as I go forward. My original wish-list was quite long and went back to wanting what I had pre-Internet Prolog projects that analysed and produced the English language sentence structure on usable predicates. Always dreamed of taking this forward to tackle different languages but the theory was beyond me at the time.
Along with this the need for database and template definitions that allowed you to create meaningful prose from the data stored in your data warehouse. Another task which years ago I wrote a script engine to accomplish. Imagine having a product database and producing some useful analysis of the products from just the data.
Finally it was essential that I could script into the spinning article useful things like audience targeting. Having a simple product description or a technical specification comes from the same template stretches it a little but the principle would be the same.
So first task, scrap the old QKSite and refresh it to start off give it a simple spinner. I need it now and will be immediately useful, so a day spent creating it shouldn’t be a problem. Then I must look at the scripting technology and put some functionality back in. I need it to do some real work.
I will continue any discussion on this on if anyone is interested. However, I will not be giving any technical support on it, so it is not a product in that respect. Support of anything like is never going to be easy, but I always imagined some day putting some 2D/3D visual language into it and make good use of work I did on this area some 20 years ago – maybe.
The utility itself I always wanted to be free anyway. But if anyone wants to play, join in or just try out of curiosity I’ll happily share the build of this as it goes. I know others peoples views keep mine in perspective and I welcome any involvement in the project.
For now as well it’ll have a job to do. I am at ground zero as far as IM is concerned and need to get on my feet as quickly as possible or I will never have time or inclination to do anything on this project. The better I get I get it and myself on with the hard work and produce the income from IM the better I will make the utility.
I realise too that the scripts produced can be really valuable, so I don’t mind either keeping everything open or close off the valuable stuff with those who really help and participate in this.
Excuse me for talking about something that doesn’t even exist yet. Well, not in the form I intend anyway. I am a bit of a dreamer and certainly not an expert in this or IM, but these things tend to come together when you need them don’t they.
In the end I want one open product that will handle all the manual tasks of IM for me in the most flexible way – that is the destiny for
Anyone want to play – geeks welcome… but IM’s that add value would be a welcome addition as well as a nice surprise
– sorry, I didn’t really mean that, they are well meaning I’m sure.
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