The Market Samurai Competition module is great, it gives a listing of the Google Top 10 with all the linking and factors you need – however it may be a little too good…
The Market Samurai Competition module is easy once you get a handle on what information is there. I am really impressed that you can see how the competition get their backlinks too – I was getting ideas just looking through them.
Except my selected markets didn’t hold up
– I had 5 microniches that looked good until I went into the Competition Module. Out of those 5 were 4 very young domains, almost an exact match for the keyword that look very familiar. Certainly microniche web sites but were they 30 Day Challenge ones???? We will see. Well for now I will avoid them, I will try and find some textbook markets to start with, but they didn’t look too hard to knock from their positions 🙂
I am happy to run through the Day 1,2 and 3 process tomorrow. After a few goes at it I found it isn’t as cumbersome as I once thought Market Samurai was. This process too needs to become very familiar. Once an idea comes the process needs to be very quick so the checking of a market is efficiently done without wasting time. So far, I see the Day 1, 2 and 3 process as part of a single routine to get familiar with. Looking ahead I may be including Day 4, monetization etc to the same process maybe I should keep going on this till the ‘OK’ go ahead decision is reached for building a site.
Something I am sure I will find useful later is to keep a record of the markets searched, together with a few notes as to why I may not have selected them. Screenshots of Market Samurai’s Keyword Research results (and Competition modules in cases) are put in with the notes in case I look back. I am a bit focused in the time it takes me to make the decision too. The earlier I can delete a market from my enquiries the better, though going quickly will possibly put me in danger of a Google block.
This is the part where I say this is only my opinion but – the fluffy positive stuff is grating on me again. I think it needs to be absolutely focused on the tasks that people are facing at each point in the challenge. This is an area where a lot of people will fail, because it feels like too much information coming at them at once and all the numbers in the Market Samurai tool will blend together. I think positive stuff should be there – yes – but IMHO a bit of cynical humour having a go at the mental challenges and how to overcome will be more appropriate.
All this my own opinion – I am a natural cynic 🙂
But I am a positive natural cynic 🙂 🙂
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