Systematic Theory of Success

Who am I to put forward a theory of success – but as I learn I will write. I’ll improve this as I go on but this is how it fits all together from what I have read over the years. Of course accuracy comes with success, so I will practise what I learn as I go on and see for myself…So what makes a person successful? What is it about that person that makes you sure that they are able to achieve what they are talking about? What factors define a successful person?

Having thought and read about it since childhood here are a number of factors that I think important and how they relate to each other in a systems approach. Of course how these factors are put together and practised is the most significant step towards success and this is taught my people in different ways. However, for now this is a stab at a systematic theory of success.

There are four kinds or groups of factors that have similar roles – Potential, Kinetic, Control or Physical. Within each of these we have the following factors:

    • Purpose
    • Direction
    • Belief
    • Energy
    • Power
    • Momentum
    • Positive Association
    • Flexibility
    • Stability
    • Expression
    • History
    • Knowledge

Potential factors are the kind of factors that define what is there already within the person. Not in the sense that they cannot be changed, because indeed they all can easily, but they are factors that exist without any more effort. They could be innate within a person or a natural part of a person’s mind or learned. They consist of the purpose that a person holds, the direction they are faced in approaching their purpose and powered by the belief they can achieve it.

Kinetic factors are the dynamic and active ones, the kind that are shown in the effort produced by the person. They consist of the energy that the person has physically, the power that motivation and desire gives them and the momentum controlling how effectively they are achieving their objectives.

Control factors provide how the person takes control and steers themselves though changes in the environment. They allow the changes from kinetic factors acted upon by a person to fit their potential factors and not destroy them. This manages the use of their intelligence to filter and control the interaction between their conscious and subconscious minds. The first factor is positive association, which is a large portion of what positive thinking or having a positive mind-set is focused on. The others are flexibility, the ability to grow and meet the new demands and stability, the control of emotions such as fear.

Physical factors are the interface between the person and the universe, or specifically the environment in which they exist so that the resources available to them enable them to physically achieve their purpose in reality. They consist of expression, the outward visible characteristics shown, history, the changes made over time and knowledge, the person’s self-awareness and awareness of information around them.

Thinking about the interaction between all these factors is useful and helps to underline how important and real this whole process is.

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